About a month ago, a young man showed me a beautiful piece the Perfect Food wrote about my store, The Healthy Garden Health Center. Perfect Food, a company that grows and sells wheatgrass and sprouts, has outstanding products and their quality is unmatched, however, the one I wish to discuss in this post is wheatgrass.


The history of this grass dates back to 1931 when Dr. Charles Schnabel and his colleagues, at their laboratories, became the pioneers mapping out its great nutritional advantages and benefits. They found if taken daily, wheatgrass helped rid the body of illnesses with its high concentration of chlorophyll, enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and individuals expressed greater vitality and healthier disposition.

In spite of having over 20 years of dedicated research and case studies at our fingertips, as a society, we choose not to embrace true life found in living foods, but are consumed with the dead: dead meat and/or processed "foods" which are literally weighing us down and killing us.

Sprouted from winter berries, also mother to flour, wheatgrass is mostly grown in the wheat belt of Texas and Montana. Rich in chlorophyll, enzymes and vitamins that enable the natural breakdown of blood clots and nourishes platelets, wheatgrass is very important for the blood. Some would argue its vital to your health. I am one.  

Now there are two kinds of wheatgrass. One grown in water and the other grown in soil. The one grown in water has its seeds sown in a flat tray and the aid of a water system causes the grass to grow and reach a certain height before harvesting. In liquid form, wheatgrass can be frozen; if for commercial use, the Department of Agriculture states wheatgrass must be pasteurized.

Another recommended source of wheatgrass is from Pines. This company has been around since 1976. Their wheatgrass is grown in quality soil. They also grow barley grass and alfalfa. Their wheatgrass, too, is rich with endless nutrients. A list so long, perhaps another post can be dedicated to the specificity. There are nutrients from minerals to amino acids, also important for the body since the body cannot make amino acids. The grass is harvested once a year with tools to ensure the quality offered exceeds FDA verification standards. Pines is considered the highest quality producer of wheat grass, barley and alfalfa. Pines wheatgrass, however, only comes in powder or tablet form. The barley and alfalfa sprouts are gluten-free, GMO free and USDA Organic.

These products can be found at Healthy Garden Health Center and a few places where health products are sold. We strive to make you conscientious of what you put in your body. Live foods result in a healthier and better you: life. Peace be with you all and live life abundantly.